Leave Management online Bihar teacher - Niyojit Teacher - BPSC TRE - HM

Leave Management online Bihar teacher

 Leave Management ( छुट्टी प्रबंधन)

HRMS leave

Apply For Leave ( छुट्टी के लिए  आवेदन ) – Employee

1. Log in to HRMS Portal using Employee Username / Employee ID ( कर्मचारी आईडी का उपयोग करके एचआरएमएस पोर्टल पर लॉग इन करें)

वेबसाइट👉 https://hrms.bihar.gov.in/

नोट: यदि यूजर आईडी और पासवर्ड पता नहीं है तो क्लिक OTP ऑप्शन और अपना मोबाइल संख्या डालें।

Leave Management

2. Select the Role as “Employee “. ( "कर्मचारी" के रूप में भूमिका का चयन करें। )

3. Choose “Self Service “Option from Drop Down Arrow near User ID 

4. Select "Leave Request"

5. Here Employee details and leave balance details will auto populated

6. Select “Leave Type” as per requirement.

  •  Casual Leave
  •  Earn Leave
  •  Leave Without Pay

Type of leave

7. Choose From and To Date and Select Purpose for Leave from Drop down.

8. If Your Choose Medical Ground, then attach Required Medical Attachments

9. Otherwise Choose “Other” and Add your Reason for Leave Request.

10. If you are leaving the station then, “permission to leaving station” switched to be active and details like leave address, contact details and station leaving details need to be filled by the employee.

11. Click on “Save As Draft“

12. Leave Request Reference Number is Created 

13. Forward Leave Request to Current Reporting Employee

14. Leave Application submitted Successfully

Click here to download Leave Management User Mannual PDF

विशिष्ट शिक्षक डॉक्यूमेंट वेरिकेशन के लिए सार्टिफिकेट इस क्रम में ले जाना होगा।

Service Book writing: BPSC TRE-1 & 2 अध्यापकों के सेवा पुस्तिका में क्या लिखा जाएगा।

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